Carte MétéEAU Nappes au 01/06/2021

Carte MétéEAU Nappes au 01/06/2021 zoomée aux alentours de Paris


Display of the groundwater level situation on a date chosen by the user

In the map part of the application, and depending on the user's choices, the state of the water tables can be displayed: either for the current date, or for a past date, or by choosing a future date (Figure 1). The groundwater level is based on the Standardised Piezometric Indicator calculated for the date chosen by the user.

Carte MétéEAU Nappes au 26/11/2021

Carte MétéEAU Nappes au 26/11/2021 avec interrogation d’un piézomètre près de Troyes


Querying a water point to display associated graphs

Clicking on one of the piezometers (user query of a water station) displays a legend of its real-time state and the last measured water level value (Figure 2).

Courbes MétéEAU Nappes au 26/11/2021

Exemple de graphique MétéEAU Nappes dans la fiche dynamique d’un point d’eau (situation au 26/11/2021)


Display of graphics in real time

A user’s file can be consulted and the current status report can be accessed (dynamic file with several associated graphs). The graph in Figure 3 shows various real-time measurements: river flow (orange), rainfall (light blue), historical (dark blue) and real-time (green) water levels. After displaying this graph, the user can navigate on it (choose a time period, move, zoom) and download the associated image.

Détail des prévisions de niveaux de nappe au 01/08/2021

Détail des prévisions de niveaux de nappe au 01/08/2021 dans la fiche dynamique d’un point d’eau


Display of forecast groundwater levels

Forecasts can be consulted as well. Figure 4 shows forecasts of groundwater levels under different climate scenarios. Observed groundwater levels are superimposed on these forecasts and on the management piezometric thresholds (in high or low water periods). Tooltips allow the user to display data for each day.

La Source bleue, résurgence aux eaux transparentes
    • 1.00

    • 12.00
      hydrogeological bulletins per year

    • 84.00
      models done

    • 1600.00
      BRGM real-time piezometers